
October 27, 2013
This is Pt. 2 of 2 Television / Movie / Comics Producer & Executive @Reghud aka #ReginaldHudlin speaks on the making of the comic & animation series #TheBlackPanther – This is part 2 of 2 vids. His quote at the end “you gotta whoop a$$ on a pretty massive scale” cracks me up – check the full interview on YouTube titled: “Reginald Hudlin on the Black Panther” #Comics #Animation
October 27, 2013

October 27, 2013
Television / Movie / Comics Producer & Executive @Reghud aka #ReginaldHudlin speaks on the making of the comic & animation series #TheBlackPanther – This is part 1 of 2 vids (the set up for Pt.2). His quote at the end of Pt. 2 cracks me up – check the full interview on YouTube titled: “Reginald Hudlin on the Black Panther” #Comics #Animation
October 27, 2013