
October 21, 2016
Much LOVE & SUPPORT to the fine folks over @supremevintageclothing They are doing some wonderful things with the #HowardUniversity dorm paraphernalia. My guy @jerrell634 fitted me with this #Vintage #TSOP #TheSoundsOfPhiladelphia t-shirt – One of my FAVORITE all time music labels!!! Blessings to Gamble & Huff. #LifeStyleClothing #LegacyExpressedThroughFashion
October 21, 2016

January 29, 2015
I was going through a box of cassettes and look what came up. This was my soundtrack to life for a straight 18months. This takes me back to when I lived in #WashingtonDC during my #HowardUniversity days. I probably bought this at #12inchDance or at #KEMPMillRecords. Big up to the #HouseMusic God @djtoddterry – Thank The Creator I kept my Tascam Pro Cassette deck! #HouseMusicWillNeverDie
January 29, 2015