
February 14, 2015
#KickinUpDust #SoundsLikeThis “Left & Right” by #DAngelo #Redman #MethodMan #VirginRecords #circa1999 | Trust me, I won’t steer you wrong TOMORROW night on the dance floor @thesoundtable 11pm-3am. Get some… djkemit.com/events | #AllVinyl #45RPM #Donuts #7inchWekads #NoLaptopNeeded #RareGrooves #ClassicRock #Soul #Breaks #80sBoogie #Funk #ClassicHouse #ClassicHipHop & more!
February 14, 2015

February 14, 2015
#KickinUpDust #SoundsLikeThis “Me and Those Dreamy Eyes of Mine” by #DAngelo —-> #NuffSaid – Shout Out to all the LOVERZ out there – Come One, Come All! TOMMOROW Sat. Feb. 14th 11pm @thesoundtable | #AllVinyl #45RPM #Donuts #7inchWekads #NoLaptopNeeded – mixcloud.com/djkemit for the NEW Promo mix.
NuffSaid - Shout Out to all the LOVERZ out there - Come One, Come All! TOMMOROW Sat. Feb. 14th 11pm @thesoundtable | AllVinyl 45RPM Donuts 7inchWekads NoLaptopNeeded - mixcloud.com/djkemit for the NEW Promo mix."> http://djkemit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/KickinUpDust-SoundsLikeThis-Me-and-Those-Dreamy-Eyes-of-Mine-by-DAngelo-NuffSaid-Shout-Out-to-all-th.mp4
February 14, 2015