- Heatwave Boogie Nights
- Cherrelle Saturday Love*
- Wham Everything She Wants
- David Bowie Let’s Dance
- Sheila E. Love Bizzare
- Michael Jackson Rock with You
- Paul McCartney and Micheal Jackson Say, Say, Say
- Terrance Trent Darby Dance Lil sister
- Teena Marie Square Biz
- Teena Marie Behind The Groove
- Stevie Wonder Do I Do
- Stevie Wonder Do I Do
- Hall & Oats I Can’t Go for That
- Slave nbsp; Watching You (Kon Remix)
- Stevie Wonder Love Light In Flight &nbnbsp;
- Sherrick Just Call
- Tom Brown Funkin for Jamaica
- Indeep Last Night a DJ Saved My Life nbsp;
- Chuck Brown Bustin’ Loose
- Kurtis Blow The Breaks
- Carl Carlton  nbsp; She’s A Bad Mamma Jammin’
- Raw Silk Do It To The Music
- Billy Ocean Nights Feel Like
- Denroy Morgan &nbsnbsp; I’ll Do Anything For You
- Shalamar Make That Move
- David Joseph You Can’t Hide Your Love
- Serious Intentions &nnbsp; You Dont Know**
- Status IV You Ain’t Really Down
- Mr. Fingers Can You Feel It***
- Cultural Vibe Maa Foom Bey (Deep Mix)
Best of The 80s TributeBoogiedj kemitfunksoulSpread Love ATL
This is Pt. 2 of 2 Television / Movie / Comics Producer & Executive @Reghud aka #ReginaldHudlin speaks on the making of the comic & animation series #TheBlackPanther – This is part 2 of 2 vids. His quote at the end “you gotta whoop a$$ on a pretty massive scale” cracks me up – check the full interview on YouTube titled: “Reginald Hudlin on the Black Panther” #Comics #Animation
Go ahead. Eat some more food. DJ’s @djmars404 @djjaycee313 & @djkemit will work off all your turkey & tofurkey TONIGHT 11/29 for #TheKlasiks @595north – We party like its 1999! #ThereAreRulesToThis -For INFO/Details: theklasiks.eventbrite.com POWERED By: @muddywater_mike @moetownlee @iamricharddunn @marcobluejohnson Let’s Go!