@whoisjessiedavis Plays LIVE Thursday night in #ATL at the Elliot Street Pub – Thank you Jessie for your Killah performance here “@ The Block” in the @You42Music stage #MusicAtTheBlock #FutureSoul #GoodMusicForGoodPeople #MusicExecutiveFlow – Let’s Go!

@whoisjessiedavis Plays LIVE Thursday night in at the Elliot Street Pub - Thank you Jessie for your Killah performance here "@ The Block" in the @You42Music stage - Let's Go!
LIVE & Direct from the #You42 offices @whoisjessiedavis performing on the “@ The Block” stage. #You42Music #ForTheArtists #TheMovement – Big Ups to @official_ianburke & the entire #You42Music team. #MusicExecutiveFlow #FutureSoul #GoodMusicForGoodPeople
@whoisjessiedavis doin’ her Thang here @you42music LIVE and Direct from the #MusicAtTheBlock stage aka “@ The Block” – Stay tuned for more #GoodMusicForGoodPeople #PutTheArtistFirst #MusicForTheSoul #FutureSoul #MusicExecutiveFlow – Big thanks to the VP of LIVE Music @official_ianburke