#KickinUpDust #SoundsLikeThis “Let’s Go Dancin'”by #Sparque #WestEndRecords – Let’s go have some FUN THIS Saturday 12.12.15 11pm @thesoundtable #AllVinyl #45RPM #NoLaptopNeeded – HEAVY on the #Disco & #DanceClassics – Let’s Go!

"Let's Go Dancin'"by - Let's go have some FUN THIS Saturday 12.12.15 11pm @thesoundtable - HEAVY on the & - Let's Go!
#KickinUpDust #SoundsLikeThis “Free Me From My Freedom/Tie Me To A Tree (Handcuff Me)” by #BonniePointer #MotownRecords #circa1978 – THIS month’s edition of #KickinUpDust is dedicated to #Disco – 11pm 12.12.15 @thesoundtable djkemit.com/events for details.
#KickinUpDust #SoundsLikeThis “The Music Got Me” by #Visual #BoydJarvis #TimmyRegisford #TonyHumphries #aSureShotMix #circa1983 #PreludeRecords – One Time for all my dancers out there! 12.12.15 11pm @thesoundtable #Disco #DanceClassics #AllVinyl #45RPM #NoLaptopNeeded Let’s Go! (link to the Promo mix is in my IG profile).