#KickinUpDust returns to @thesoundtable 11pm THIS Saturday Sept. 10th – Enjoy the NEW Promo mix via Mixcloud. Use the link in my IG profile. #AllVinyl #45RPM #NoLaptopNeeded

returns to @thesoundtable 11pm THIS Saturday Sept. 10th - Enjoy the NEW Promo mix via Mixcloud. Use the link in my IG profile.
#ATL TONIGHT! #SoulSynergy #VirgoBDayBash – if you still have the #HouseMusic bug from last weekends #HITP12 then join @chiprofess #DJBE & your truly for a night of that Deep & Soulful stuff we call House Music. Door 10pm @wildpitch_atl – $5 All Night (Another packed weekend of musical goodness!)
#45friday #BabyHuey #CurtisMayfield “Listen To Me” #OneFlightDownRecords #FullLpVersion w/ the break at the end. I have never laid eyes on this beauty before in my life. When we saw one another for the 1st time, it was LOVE at 1st sight! (Sure to get played tomorrow night at #KickinUpDust)