#CurrentSituation #GPB #GeorgeLevertPhotographyExhibit – Mr. Levert requested #DeepInstrumentalHouseMusic for the evening. I Love what I do!

- Mr. Levert requested for the evening. I Love what I do!
#ATL THIS Saturday join @kooldjredalert & yours truly @djkemit for the #ATLSoukKitchen 10pm @595north – For the BEST in #DanceClassics #Soul #Funk #ClassicHipHop #ClassicHouse #79s #80s #90s & more. Let’s Go! Powered by @jamesevansatl (CoreyB) & @nelson_neill
#TheAtlantaSoulKitchen THIS Saturday May 28th 10pm @595north The Maestro @kooldjredalert along side yours truly @djkemit – Whenever I get to play music w/ my friend Red it’s always a night to remember. Come get some! Powered by @jamesevansatl & @nelson_neill – Be sure to RSVP.