#45Friday Some Southern Fried Funk for your Friday. #EldridgeHolmes “Pop, Popcorn Children” #RareGrooves #NewOrleansSoul #Atlanta #Macon #KickinUpDust
Some Southern Fried Funk for your Friday. "Pop, Popcorn Children"
- #ATL TONIGHT 11/29 DJs @Djmars404 @djjaycee313 & @djkemit Will be beating the brakes/breaks off #TheKlasiks 10pm-3am @595north – Here are “The Seven Party Commandments”. Get to it or simply just get out! See you tonight. #NoWallFlowers #DontComeToBeSeen #EveryoneIsAStar #VIPareYouAndMe #LeaveYourBaggageAtHome #DanceOrDie POWERED By: @moetownlee @muddywater_mike @iamricharddunn @marcobluejohnson theklasiks.eventbrite.com
- Nelson Mandela will be missed and celebrated for all his achievements and progress for Mankind. #SouthAfrica stand proud. You’re KING is looking down upon his kingdom. I (as a member of Arrested Development) had the divine pleasure of meeting and presenting a check to Nelson Mandela for Soweto Day celebration in Capetown 1995. I can still remember how I felt when I saw an all black military force and various Zulu tribes all housed in a Futbol/soccer stadium. #GodIsGood #MandelaForever